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Artfully North Alabama: Everett Cox, sculptor & machinist

We go inside the studio of Everett Cox to see his creative process.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — We meet Everett Cox, who is an artist, but also a machinist. In Cox’s studio nestled in Lowe Mill, sculpting is more than an art form.

“I sculpt from beginning to end in this studio in here,” said Cox.

“I don’t idealize my figures. I sculpt what I see, and I will sculpt anybody who will come in here and give me the time,” said Cox.

“These are all feminine figures. But the process to make these is very masculine.”

It’s the process that’s an art in itself.

“That’s the fascinating part of this. It’s something that can be so dirty, and hard, ugly, and loud could be something like this,” added Cox.

It’s also his philosophy. “That’s part of the Yin and Yang.”

That Yin and Yang is comprised of contrasting mediums. The bronze is his finishing touch, and it’s quite a spectacle drawing in crowds of people.

“The most durable medium is Bronze. It can go indoors, outdoors. It stands the test of time,” said Cox.

However, the casting is not so durable. It’s more-so delicate and made from another medium.

“Clay is not going to stand like this. It’s just not going to do it. So you have to make a skeleton to hold it. We call that an armature,” said Cox.

Everett uses his hands to make hands and to make figures. "I'm sculpting real life and what I'm saying is real life is just as beautiful as what you expect anywhere else, right, if you take the time to look."

“I just gravitated to sculpture because art’s in the blood I suppose,” added Cox.

His love for creating is modeled after the figures in his life.

“I’ve always done this, and my mother and grandmother were painters. Music was my parents' muse. They’re both musicians. My dad was an engineer,” said Cox.

In Everett Cox’s studio…could he ever stop? “Oh, no. What would I do? I’d be doing this if I stopped.”

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