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Looking to be a 2020 Census Worker? Beware of employment scams

If you’re looking for a temporary job, working as a US Census Worker could sound ideal. While the US Census Bureau is looking to fill thousands of tempora...

If you’re looking for a temporary job, working as a US Census Worker could sound ideal. While the US Census Bureau is looking to fill thousands of temporary positions across the country, be aware of potential scammers recruiting for fake jobs.

Recently, the Better Business Bureau (BBB), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and US Census Bureau warned potential job seekers of census job scams circulating on websites and social media.

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Here’s how the Scam works, according to the BBB

First, you see a post or ad about applying to be a temporary census worker. Then, you click and fill out a form with personal information. Next, you may be asked to pay an application fee, or be charged in order to get more information.

The BBB says that in a typical job scam, you often get a quick response from a “hiring manager” who may want to interview you via phone or video chat.

But once you’re “hired,” the company might charge you upfront for “training.” They may also ask you to provide your personal and banking information to run a credit check or set up a direct deposit. They could “accidentally” overpay you with a fake check and ask you to deposit the check and wire back the difference, or they might ask you to buy expensive equipment and supplies to work from home.

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If you question their methods, the BBB says you’ll likely get a defensive response, but don’t give into that pressure and follow the “company’s” demands. That job isn’t real.

How to Avoid Falling for a Census Job Scam

The BBB says there are two key tips you should know about real, legitimate Census Bureau jobs:

  • No Application Fees.  Anyone asking for a fee to help you get a Census Bureau job is a scammer. Federal agencies never charge application fees.
  • You can only apply online.  The only way to apply for 2020 Census positions is through the Census Bureau’s website, 2020census.gov/jobs. You will need provide the following information during the application process:
    • Social Security number
    • Home address (physical location and mailing address)
    • Email address and phone number
    • Date and place of birth

The BBB also says to make sure you verify that you’re on the Census Bureau Website before you give out personal information.

You can find more information on the BBB’s website here. They also have tips on how to avoid being scammed by fake census workers.

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