TONEY, Ala. — Mrs. Betsy Schomburg of Sparkman Middle School is this week's Valley's Top Teacher.
Mrs. Schomburg teaches sixth-grade drama, and her bubbly personality makes her students feel at home in her class.
"She's a loving, she's a caring person," said sixth-grader Jordan Tilley. "She cares about everybody, and she doesn't put people down. She's just a caring person in general."
Mrs. Schomburg prides herself on thinking outside of the box, and helping her students grow.
"I try to make this a really fun and an enjoyable class for the kids because they have to put so much of their time into their our core classes that I try to give them a little bit of time to have fun," Mrs. Schomburg explained. "This is drama but we do a lot of social and emotional learning in here.
By doing presentations in front of the class her students are learning public speaking skills too.
"My favorite project and activities that we do is...we do skits, and it's really fun because we get to interact with other people," said sixth-grader Juliett Sanchez.
Mrs. Schomburg has been teaching at Sparkman Middle School for years and has impacted the lives of many.
"Drama is every student's favorite class," said Principal Kristen Bell. "I always jokingly say, anytime we have a pep rally and introduce our teachers, Mrs. Schomburg hands down always gets the most yells."