HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Pharmacies are a major part of the vaccine rollout and so far, some pharmacies in Alabama have received doses.
Our WZDX News reporter spoke with the Alabama Department of Public Health to find out what role the pharmacies will play.
"There are some pharmacies in the state of Alabama who already have COVID-19 vaccine available for provision," says Dr. Karen Landers with the Alabama Department of Public Health.
She says more pharmacies are in the process of ordering vaccine. The vaccine is free, however Landers says some pharmacies require a registration or administration fee.
"Persons who do not have insurance or Medicaid or some coverage to pay an administration fee, then they are not to be charged for receiving the vaccine," says Landers.
Landers says right now the health department is working on a map to put on their website and show where vaccines are available at retail pharmacies.
Pharmacies are also required to be a registered ImmPRINT provider, a system used to keep record of immunizations. "If the vaccine is recorded in ImmPRINT, then ImmPRINT has a way to notify persons electronically of their second dose," says Landers.
Landers says the type of vaccine a pharmacy receives depends on the storage capabilities, and says many pharmacies cannot store the Phfizer vaccine which requires an ultra cold freezer.
"The Moderna can be stored in a regular vaccine freezer, which again if you're going to be an ImmPRINT provider in the state of Alabama, you have to have a freezer that is capable to store vaccine," says Landers.
People age 75 and older, healthcare providers, and first responders can get vaccinated. Landers says the health department is working on allowing people age 65 and older to get vaccinated also.
"We absolutely want to address that population of people as well, and again, comes back to how many vaccine we have to be available," says Landers.