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Mixing doses allows for more access to COVID vaccine boosters

Both the FDA and CDC now say that people can get boosters that are different from the vaccine they originally received. This allows for more access to vaccines.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Okay, so the FDA and CDC approve of mixing vaccine brands but what are local health experts saying?

"We follow the scientific information on the subject, we follow the guidance of the FDA and the CDC in terms of what is allowable for the mixing and matching of doses," said Alabama Department of Public Health Area Administrator, Dr. Karen Landers. 

So, they seem to be following suit and they say with good results!

"What I'm really telling patients is that; first of all, mixing and matching is allowed and there does appear to be good data that it allows for a good response post-vaccine," said Landers.

This new recommendation allows people to choose different vaccines for their third dose or booster shot.

RELATED: Yes, you can now ‘mix and match’ the COVID-19 vaccine booster shots in the US

So now, no matter what vaccine you got for your first round, whether it was Pfizer, Moderna or J&J, you can choose whatever kind of vaccine you would like for your third dose or booster shot.

Not only does this bring more immunity and choices to the table, but it also allows for more access to vaccination.

When it comes to the supply of vaccines, we are definitely doing better than we were, especially when the COVID-19 vaccines first came out but there are still places that may not have access to all three brands.

So again, mixing doses further allows for those who want to get vaccinated and boosted, to do so, even if their primary dosage brand is not available.

RELATED: FDA OKs mixing COVID vaccines; backs Moderna, J&J boosters

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