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Holidays can be a tough time for those with binge eating disorders

With food being a big part of the holidays, it can be an especially challenging time of year for folks who struggle with binge eating.

Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder, and it’s something that 2.8 million Americans struggle with. With food being a big part of the holidays, it can be an especially challenging time of year for folks who struggle with binge eating.

There are plenty of triggers that could lead to binge eating, like an abundance of tasty food options or even stress brought on by family members. Binge eating involves not only physical discomfort, but it also be taxing emotionally, and it’s something that is common among adults.

“Eating disorders are not just a teen affliction,” said Lauren Roberts, a licensed professional counselor. “A lot of times we perceive eating disorders as affecting children, teen, and young adults, but more and more research is showing that midlife or individuals in midlife — primarily women in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s are developing more eating disordered behaviors.”

Roberts shares some signs folks can look for that may indicate they have an eating disorder and may want to seek help.

“A lot of questions you can ask yourself is how are you viewing food and weight and what is your attitude on that?,” explained Roberts. “If you answer yes to some of the following questions such as do you label foods as good or bad, do you exercise more than an hour a day to lose weight, do you excessively count calories and focus on your weight so much that it causes a significant distress on a daily basis?”

Roberts says counseling could be an option for folks answering yes to these questions.

Click here to read more about binge eating disorder.

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