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Local leaders say it's in your best interest to fill out your census reports

Leaders explain what's at stake for folks in Alabama if they don't complete their census forms

LIMESTONE COUNTY, Ala. — We're now just weeks away now from the 2020 Census launching. It starts on April 1st, and soon folks in Alabama will be receiving notices about it in the mail, explaining how to do your reports. Local leaders say its in your best interests to complete them.

"Very important -- we're getting the word out," said Michelle Williamson, Community Relations Coordinator for the Limestone County Commission. "It's something that has been very important to our commission, all of our commissioners, our chairman-- have been out in the county spreading the word."

They have been spreading the word about why it's important to get full participation from folks and an accurate count.

"In the 2020 census, we all have something to lose-- federal programs such as education, healthcare, roads and bridges, and many more that affect the state of Alabama and our county-- we stand to lose funding on," said Williamson. "If we do not get an accurate census count, the main message is the dollars follow the number-- not the need. So if we have a need and the numbers are not there from the programs that their allocation comes from-- part census data-- then we are going to lose out. We also stand to lose a congressional representative in Washington, which will mean one less voice for Alabama."

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It is very important to make sure you count every single person in your household, including young children. Your answers on the census are completely confidential and can't be used against you by law.

"Any information given on these census questions and answers is confidential and cannot be given out," said Williamson. "It's against the law for any of this information to be shared."

In mid March, everyone in Alabama will receive notices in the mail explaining the different ways to complete your census reports. You'll be able to fill out your census form online, over the phone, or you can request a paper form to fill out. 

There are ten questions on the census report you'll need to fill out. It's estimated it will take about six minutes to complete.

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