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ACLU launches voter participation initiative called Project M.O.V.E.

ACLU launches voter participation initiative called Project M.O.V.E. to raise voter participation.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Alabama currently has one of the lowest voter turnout percentages in the country, and one nonprofit aims to do something about it. The ACLU has launched a new voting campaign. It's called 'Project M.O.V.E. 'THE M.O.V.E. is short for making our voices echo.

ACLU of Alabama Executive Director Jataune Gilchrist said this new voting campaign strategy aims to increase voter turnout across the state, and it's a three pronged approach. "It is a community engagement, multi year voter engagement initiative. The first is community survey. We need to understand what the needs are for community." The second approach is engagement. "We also have to determine and be where folks are, so we have to get proximate to folks." The third piece is information. "Because when folks are equipped with information, that is how we utilize the power. And there is power in our vote. our vote is our voice."

In the 2024 presidential primary election in march, less than 25 percent of registered voters went to the polls. "We have about 3.7 million voters in Alabama, so about 4 million voters in Alabama. we would like to see engagement increase by 5% by 2026. So that number is a little less than 200,000 folks who are already registered to vote. We would like to engage them and see them get out."

 Lift our Vote co-founder Jessica Fortune Barker explained that Lift our Vote also partners with the ACLU, and the overall mission is producing dedicated and educated voters. "When we speak about the vote with the work that we do on the ground as grass roots organizers, it's important to know the power behind the vote and the way that you can use your vote powerfully in your community is by being an educated citizen and an empowered citizen and an engaged citizen."

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