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Alabama A&M ups their bid to purchase Birmingham Southern College

Miles College recently signed a letter of intent with Birmingham Southern.

ALABAMA, USA — Back at the start of May, Alabama A&M University (AAMU) made a $52 million bid to purchase Birmingham Southern College. Now Alabama A&M has made a second offer to BSC, upping their bid to over $13 million more than their initial offer.

According to AAMU, their initial offer would have just covered construction and maintenance upgrades to operate the full campus. This second offer now will clear all of BSC's outstanding debt.

"I want to reiterate,  what’s important is AAMU’s commitment to maintain the entire BSC property as an academic facility focused solely on higher education," says Shannon Reeves, Sr., AAMU Vice President. "Furthermore, we are committed to attempt to bring economic development and increased property value to the surrounding neighborhoods."

Reeves also says the university "cannot be fiscally irresponsible with our offer to purchase this beautiful campus at any cost. If another entity is selected, we will wish them well, knowing that we love the people of Birmingham and we will continue to try to make a difference whenever we can in the future."

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