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Arts Huntsville expands 'Second Saturday' art tours at new city hall

Guided tours will be at on July 13, and August 10.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Arts Huntsville invites the community to explore Huntsville's new City Hall through "Second Saturday" art tours showcasing its public art. These guided tours will start at 10:30 am on June 8, July 13, and August 10, 2024, offering a firsthand look at the artworks within the City Hall.

These tours will feature local artists and their work on display at Huntsville City Hall. Visitors can meet artists like Guadalupe Lanning Robinson, Jahni Moore, Ann Moeller, Yuri Ozaki, Cynthia Wagner, and David Nuttall, who will provide insights into their creations.

On June 8, visitors can explore Robinson's "Cityscape Block by Block" and Moore's "Miracle Territory." July 13 will feature Ozaki's "Downtown Huntsville" and Moeller's "The Spark." August 10 will showcase Wagner's "Transformative Soil: Terra Firma" and Nuttall’s hand-drawn nighttime map of Huntsville.

"We look forward to providing the community with opportunities to experience this incredible art collection in City Hall," said Jennifer Johnson, Public Art Program Manager at Arts Huntsville. "Through these tours, the public can gain deeper insight and appreciation into the artworks and connect with some of the artists behind them."

The additional docent-led tours will take place at 1 p.m. on July 13 and August 10 to accommodate the high demand.

Each "Second Saturday" City Hall art tour will be led by a knowledgeable docent and feature special guest appearances by two talented local artists whose work is on display. This unique opportunity allows visitors to gain deeper insights into the creative vision behind each piece and engage with the artists themselves.

  • July 13: Join award-winning painters Ann Moeller and Yuri Ozaki. Soar above the city with Ozaki's "Downtown Huntsville" and discover the stories Moeller brings to life in “The Spark.”
  • August 10: Be greeted by Cynthia Wagner and David Nuttall. Stroll by the eleven panels of Wagner's "Transformative Soil: Terra Firma" while discovering the iconic symbols woven into her work and learn about Nuttall’s upcoming installation of a hand-drawn nighttime map of Huntsville.

With limited space available for 50 participants per tour, early registration is recommended. Following the tour, participants can enjoy lunch and drink specials offered by Downtown Huntsville and local downtown restaurants. Details will be available on the event day.

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