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Big Brothers Big Sisters of the TN Valley is looking for community support to keep doors open.

A perfect storm of situations has caused BBBS to struggle in the last quarter and they are looking to raise funds to stay a float.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — When it's come to being a "big" for Big Brothers Big Sisters, the gift of a smile can be rewarding "It's really great to see their faces light up," former Big Ciara White shares. "They just get excited that they finally have someone that's dedicated just to them. The kids do so much better. We've had littles that have come in doing really poorly on schoolwork and then with the help of their big brother, big sister, they've done so much better in schoolwork. They're excelling in classes and they're on the track to college." 

As for a little, that connection makes the world of difference "I just know that sometimes kids need a little extra support, so it's always good to have an extra person," White shares. "It really just helps the kids become the best version of themselves, just gives them an outlet. it gives them just a place that they can learn and grow and not be afraid to make mistakes. This program really makes a difference in the child's life and that it's something that the community needs."

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Tennesse Valley is going through a rough patch. "We are now fully staffed," David Points, Board Chairman with the Big Brothers Big Sisters shares. "We had grant money last year that allowed us to be fully staffed. Some of the money was not going to be refundable for the next year. So, we stepped up. We provide medical and dental insurance for our employees. all of them are now on that policy."

Unfortunately, that came with some unforeseen setbacks. "Now everybody is on our insurance and we're glad that they are," Points shares. "But naturally of course, there are cost associated with that. We had a golf tournament and that golf tournament, but it didn't produce the number of participants that we needed. and lastly, we were expecting a big grant that seemed to be a sure thing for us. But at the very last minute the grant fell through. So that put us in kind of dire circumstances." 

Now with staff adjustments they are hoping to get the support they need in other ways. "We're staggering on staff to keep the doors open," Points shares. "Certainly, we are fundraising like crazy everywhere we can, we have a Facebook page. We also have a go fund me ongoing and the CEO will have all the information available online. But we're reaching out far and wide and we're taking any, there's no gift is too small for us to accept we we'll take any gift that we can." 

Big Brothers Big Sisters is part of Huntsville. "We've been here for 40 years. We have one on one mentor. We're taking, you know, people that need a mentor in their life." Points shares. "Our program is continuous, is not just a one-year program. This program four years and with that we are developing really educated and confident, you know, people that will be a benefit and a good system in the society."

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