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Community activists 'to continue to demand change' following Chauvin Trial verdict

Leaders say they are also "recognizing our local issues that are happening here in Huntsville and in our state of Alabama."

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — For many people, the Chauvin verdict was just the beginning of justice served. On Friday night, activists rallied together in Downtown Huntsville to continue to demand change.

"We don't want appetizers. We need full adequate, healthy results," says Black Lives Matter Montgomery activist, Travis Jackson.

Community activist groups from Huntsville to Montgomery marched from Big Spring Park to the Madison County Courthouse in light of the Chauvin Trial verdict.

"It's a celebratory time, but we also have to recognize our local issues that are happening here in Huntsville and in our state of Alabama," says Reclaiming Our Time Founder, Unique Dunston.

Some of those issues includes a controversial Alabama house bill. "To combat against you know, HB445, which is trying to take all of our rights as it ascertains toward being able to peacefully protest and gather."

We also asked leaders on their thoughts about the review released from the Huntsville Police Citizens Advisory council on how law enforcement handled protests last June.

One of the top issues was the use of rubber bullets, deployment of bean bags, and the use of chemical agents.

"That upset a lot of people," says Black Lives Matter Huntsville Founder, Keith Young.

Some activists believe the review was redundant. "We've been saying all of these things for a long time. For almost a year now and for them to come out," added Young.

Leaders say the struggle continues. "Complacency is no excuse. It's okay to rest, but we still have a long way, though we've come a long way," says Jackson.

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