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Decatur PD Chief Todd Pinion details plan to 'strengthen the trust' in community.

Department hoping to restore trust, integrity following deadly 2023 incident

DECATUR, Ala. — Decatur Chief of Police Todd Pinion on Tuesday afternoon released a revised executive plan that he hopes will build bridges in a community where distrust has simmered since a 2023 fatal shooting during a botched police action.

The expanded plan follows the presentation of an initial reform plan in May. It included six major components that Pinion said are already being rolled out. They include developing a crisis management system, conducting a thorough review of policies and procedures, and conducting structured sessions with concerned citizens.

Pinion said the department has received "valuable feedback" since the wrongful death of Steve Perkins outside his home. Four officers were fired and court proceedings related to the shooting are ongoing.

Since the shooting, there's been calls from the community for Pinion to resign. In July, FOX54 News conducted separate one-on-one interviews with the widow of Steve Perkins, Catrela Perkins, and Chief Pinion addressing those concerns.

Here's what Chief Pinion had to say Tuesday:

"While it is impossible to guarantee that our community will never face another crisis like the one resulting in the loss of Mr. Perkins, I firmly believe that we can reduce the likelihood of such incidents and enhance our ability to respond effectively to trust and transparency issues," Pinion said. "Together, we can work toward a safer and more trusting community environment."

Pinion stressed that the Citizens Advisory Council will provide what he called "crucial input to our forward progress."

He said he is working to ensure that the department exemplifies "honesty, integrity, transparence, and dedication to the community's well-being."

Pinion plans to make numerous public presentations of the plan over the next few months.

Decatur Police Department Executive Plan components:

• Develop a Crisis Management Communication System

• Conduct Structured Sessions with Concerned Citizens

• Conduct a Thorough Review of Current Police Policies and Procedures

• Implement a Support System for Decatur Police Department Leadership

• Implement an Officer Wellness Program

• Secure Confidence in the Comprehensive Plan

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