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Former University of Alabama Huntsville professor denied parole for murder conviction

Andrew Pakhomov was found guilty in 2009 for the 2006 murder of his wife.

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Former UAH professor Andrew Pakhomov will continue his life in prison after being denied parole 15 years after he was convicted of murdering his wife.

Pakhomov was charged with the killing of his wife, Yelena Zakin, in 2006. He was convicted in 2009 and sentenced to 45 years. He is currently serving his time at the Red Eagle Work Center with the status of "MIN-OUT", meaning he can be "be assigned off-property work details without the direct supervision of correctional officers." 

Unlike "Minimum-community" people, those who are "Minimum-out" must remain in prison clothing at all times, are generally assigned to only government positions, and stay in higher-security community facilities.

Pakhomov is next eligible for parole in 2029.

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