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6-year-old goes to City Hall to ask for gingerbread contest

6-year-old Ella Lovvorn asked the mayor of Athens, Alabama for a gingerbread contest after being granted meeting.

ATHENS, Ala. — Meet a young go-getter with the drive and passion for civic duty, and who has her eyes set on even higher goals. But right now, 6-year-old Ella Lovvorn, a student at Lindsay Lane Christian Academy, is interested in housing - of the gingerbread variety.

Ella wanted a meeting with Athens Mayor Ronnie Marks after seeing him at a recent public event. 

"Ella is a huge fan of Mayor Marks," said Ella's mother, Carissa. "She was in kindergarten last year, and he came to read during Dr. Seuss Week, and she's just become a big fan of his."

Ella was given his business card and her mother was told she needed an appointment.

Fast forward to this week, where Ella got her meeting with Mayor Marks. City spokesperson Holly Hollman said Marks asked Ella what the city needs. Her response - a gingerbread contest. Hollman said the young girl envisioned a citywide contest with "189 gingerbread houses," though the reason for the specific number was not mentioned.

Speaking with FOX54 on Friday, the self-described "sugar monster" clarified the number of gingerbread creations she wanted to see was actually 889.

Ella says she's pretty good at making them and could possibly win, if a contest were created. When asked where the contest would be held, she said she would like it near the duck pond at Big Spring Memorial Park near downtown.

Hollman said Ella's dream could well become reality - she said city leaders are discussing a possible "Ella the Elf's Gingerbread House Contest." They will see if local nonprofits would like to partner to make the event a fundraiser.

While holding audience with the mayor, Ella got to sit at Marks' desk and answer his phone. Staff gave her a special coin commemorating the city's bicentennial, a City of Athens pin, and a note from Mayor Marks that she can show her teacher.

"She is so bright and excited," Marks said. "To see the twinkle in young people's eyes and getting them involved... is what I think we should all spend a little more time on."

As for those higher goals: Marks asked Ella what she wants to be when she grows up. Ella's response, reportedly, was "Vice President." Her first act in office, she told us, would be to have "everybody eat marshmallows every day."

Hollman said that as she left City Hall, Ella told her mother, "Mommy, I am so happy!" 

A 6-year-old citizen requests a meeting with Mayor Marks... Ella Lovvorn, who attends Lindsay Lane Christian Academy, ...

Posted by City of Athens, Alabama (Public Relations) on Thursday, April 6, 2023

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