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Councilman Bill Kling invites President Biden to Huntsville

A member of the Huntsville city council has invited President Joe Biden to visit the Rocket City.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Huntsville was selected as the new home of Space Command during the Trump administration. Lately, there's been some doubt about whether that will actually happen. District 4 Huntsville City Councilman Bill Kling says that for the last couple of months, there's been a lot of talk in the media that Colorado Springs would be selected by the Biden administration as the location for the new space command. 

That talk heated up last week when news reports indicated that the Biden administration was leaning towards Colorado because of Alabama's stance on abortion. Huntsville Democratic Party House Minority Leader Anthony Daniels said he just hopes that at some point, " We can get to the point to where politics is put to the side and that we're focusing on the merit of the decision and why that decision was made." 

"I'd like to see the Biden administration do what's right and quit playing politics," Rainsville Republican Party House Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter added.

Councilman Kling stated that the Air Force did an objective evaluation on three different occasions, "...and on all three different occasions, Huntsville, Alabama was selected as the best qualified  community for the siting of the space command facility." Colorado Springs was ranked number 5. "So  this made me think that before President Biden were to make a final decision, let's invite him to come to Huntsville, let him come see our community, see what we do, the resources that we offer."

So what's the progress on the president heading here? "Well, I had addressed the letter to the President's Appointment Secretary, and I guess it was about three weeks ago. No responses come in. Maybe I will not hear anything. But, I think something like this, it's certainly very important," said Councilman Kling.

Overall, Councilman Kling  believes this should be an objective process, and Space Command will hopefully be our new frontier. "I think with the national security, that it's certainly very, very important  that the united states has the very best location possible so that we have the security that we need  for the future of our country."



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