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Sunday service, longer hours recommended as Huntsville, transit systems grow

The commuter service listened to public feedback and offered enhancement ideas that could be implemented over the next few years.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Following public feedback sessions and outreach, Huntsville's transit authority announced the development of a Transit Improvement Plan. If fully implemented, the city's bus and paratransit services could extend operations to Sundays, and see longer operation hours.

Huntsville Transit said it partnered with consultant firm Nelson\Nygaard, which they said was instrumental in a similar improvement plan four years ago. Some of the approved changes included the addition of a transit hub at the Showers Recreation Center and expansion into Saturday service.

Transit Manager John Autry said there was a "concerted effort to engage with a greater cross-section of the community," for the newest improvement plan.

“There was extensive outreach, including to our local companies, to learn more about the needs of their employees,” said Autry. “We had two rounds of community meetings, town halls and surveys for both existing riders and nonriders who had an interest in Huntsville Transit.”

All recommended upgrades and changes are planned over the course of five phases, with the first estimated to be completed as early as December.

Phase 1

  • Realign routes to streamline service
  • Add Sunday service
  • Add Route 56 (Bidirectional service along Memorial Parkway, Hobbs Road and Bailey Cove Road)
  • Upgrade Route 4 on Saturday
  • Upgrade Route 8 to 30 minutes

Phase 2

  • Upgrade Routes 5 and 9 to 30 minutes
  • Extend weekday service to 10 p.m.
  • Add Route 100 (service to Huntsville International Airport and Greenbrier Parkway)

Phase 3

  • Upgrade Route 4 to 15 minutes
  • Extend Saturday service to 8 p.m.

Phase 4

  • Upgrade Routes 3 and 7 to 30 minutes

Phase 5

  • Upgrade Routes 6 and 10 to 30 minutes

This schedule could be affected by construction on the Pratt Avenue transfer station, which is currently set to open in late 2023 or early 2024.

The transit department said each phase of the plan also recommends additional buses to meet peak ridership demands.

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