HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — The Madison County School System has announced a policy change that will affect students who have been using the district's wi-fi system. Effective July 1, students' personal technology devices will not be allowed to access the wi-fi system.
"This move is designed to bolster the learning environment at MCSS by safeguarding our networks, reserving our limited bandwidth for educational purposes, and curbing distractions during instructional time.," the district said in a written notice issued Monday.
The district also said their policy change mirrors "a nationwide movement" doing the same.
MCSS stresses this is not a ban on having devices on campus, only from connecting to district-owned wireless networks.
Medical exemptions will be allowed. A parent or guardian will be able to provide a note from their healthcare provider to the campus administrator.
The updated personal device policy is found in the MCSS Parent-Student Handbook on pages 87 and 88.