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Local nonprofit teaching teens financial literacy skills

CNI Solutions is teaching teens how to make smart money-making decisions while transitioning into adulthood.

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama — CNI Solutions is offering a free financial literacy class for teenagers ages 13 -19. The local nonprofit is offering this course through their Literacy Information For Teens (LIFT) program which offers courses and conversation about how teens can manage their money and make better financial decisions.

Sometimes learning to properly manage our finances can be difficult. Charles Frye, CNI Solution's president, did not grow up learning about financial literacy. This inspired him to make sure that was not someone else's story.

"We want to start them off with financial literacy and understanding the basics of taxes, credit, and credit scores on credit reports. People shouldn't have to wait until they turn 40 to realize how important credit, finance, and goal savings is," said Frye.

Frye figured this was the best way to plant the seed in teenagers as early as possible and especially before going to college.

So you might be wondering exactly what topics will be covered during this course? According to Frye, during the course students will learn how to manage savings, credit, and credit scores. Also, students have the opportunity to learn how to write checks and fill out money orders.  

Frye believes now is the time to really begin educating students. "When they're getting that W-form they got to fill out from the job, they're not calling mom or dad saying hey, what am I supposed to do with this." 

This program is free! There is also no deadline to register. Feel fre to sign up for the next class on July 8 at 11 AM. 

For more information visit their website.



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