Morgan County leaders are still discussing a mandatory face mask ordinance.
Within an hour of Madison County announcing their mask ordinance, leaders in Decatur were meeting to decide whether they should follow suit.
Last week, the Decatur City Council talked about a potential masking policy, but nothing came of it. At Monday night's meeting, that discussion continued.
Although the council agrees that wearing a mask is important, there is some disagreement on if they should make masking mandatory outside of city property. Some believe they should only be doing it for government buildings.
RELATED: Decatur city council still considering mandatory masking, plans to meet for ordinance work session
Some exceptions to a possible ordinance were discussed. Most agree children 2 years old and younger and those with a respiratory illness should not be required to wear a mask.
There were also concerns brought up about wearing face masks when outdoors. Some believe it should not be mandatory when at a park or walking trail.
Another big question that came up is if restaurants should be exempt. One council member suggested that a person can take off their mask after going into a restaurant and must put it back on when leaving.
There was much discussion about an appropriate consequence if the ordinance is broken. Many referred to the smoking ordinance, which can give a fine up to $500.
Once council member said, "I think jail time is ridiculous, and I think $500 is too high."
The other council members agreed.
Most of the council agree the ordinance should be re-evaluated every thirty days.
An official ordinance has not been introduced by the council, yet. They will hold another meeting at 4:00 pm on Wednesday, July 8th where they plan to vote on a mandatory face mask ordinance.
To watch the entire July 6th meeting, click here.