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March is 'National Nutrition Month'

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics invite the public to focus on the importance of making informed food choices also.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — You still have a chance to make good on your New Years' resolution. The month of March marks 'National Nutrition Month'!

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics celebrates this annually. Their campaign is to focus on the importance of developing better eating and physical activity habits.

This year's theme is to "Eat right, bite by bite".

One Huntsville chef and nutritionist says fruits and vegetables are important to include in your diet.

"If you don't like vegetables, find your favorite vegetable and start eating it. Go around those people that can prepare vegetables for you in a way that you might like it and begin to like it. This is more or less a reintroduction to vegetables," said Forest Wilson, owner of Chef Will: The Palate.

Nutritionists suggest varying your diet, planning out meals, and cooking at home.

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