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Multiple arrests in Huntsville as protesters rallied against police brutality

Police used smoke, chemical agents, and rubber bullets as they attempted to clear largely peaceful protesters from Square and park.
Credit: WZDX

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Multiple arrests were made in Huntsville as police attempted to clear what they called an "unlawful assembly" from Courthouse Square and Big Spring Park in downtown Huntsville Wednesday night.

The vast majority of protesters were protesting peacefully, according to many live videos broadcast from the scene.

Officers say that the crowd was told many times to disperse and that they were told there were people in the crowd with weapons.

WZDX was live at a news conference with law enforcement agencies Thursday morning.

#LIVE: Local law enforcement is giving an update on what happened at the protest in Huntsville last night

Posted by WZDX Huntsville on Thursday, June 4, 2020

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