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Neighbors mourn toddler killed in drive-by shooting

Brittany Kingston, Martin Evenes, and Dominique Russell are charged with the three-year old's murder.
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Three people are charged with murder after a three-year-old was killed in a drive-by shooting Wednesday night.

Police say an argument partly on social media led the suspects to shoot at a house on Murray Road in Huntsville. The toddler was inside sleeping at the time.

Brittany Kingston, Martin Evenes, and Dominique Russell, all 26 years old, are charged with the murder of Olivia Robinson.

Police say the argument on social media and talking with the mother helped investigators track them down. The mother was home when at least three shots were fired.

“She doesn’t know all of them personally but through details in this argument she was able to articulate one link in this chain of events that helped us to find these suspects,” said Lt. Michael Johnson with HPD.

Neighbors remember the toddler as a beautiful little girl. Shanika McNeal is a family friend and has a son the same age as Olivia.

“It shocked me because, like I said, I was getting phone calls from people thinking it was my kid,” McNeal said. “And my heart just goes out to her. I’m glad they caught the people that did it.”

Mayor Tommy Battle echoed many voices when he released a statement that Huntsville won’t tolerate the senseless violence that has ended an innocent life.

“Bullets do not discriminate,” said Johnson. “What we have here is a couple of reckless adults who lost control of their emotions over something very petty, is what it amounts to, a very petty argument.”

“It could have been my child,” McNeal said. “I just pray for her and baby Livia. It’s just so sad.”

The three suspects are being held in jail without bond.

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