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No charges expected in death of 4-year-old following Morgan County dog attack

Beau Clark was killed in a dog attack on Monday, February 26.

MORGAN COUNTY, Ala. — The Morgan County Sheriff's Office has announced that no charges are expected in the death of Beau Clark. The 4-year-old child was killed in a dog attack on Monday, February 26.

According to the Morgan County Sheriff's Office, investigators pieced together the event of the incident on Monday, February 26 and determined the following:

  • The animal was securely maintained on its own property
  • The animal had no history of violent or aggressive behavior
  • The child was riding his bike but for unknown reasons entered the yard he had been in numerous times 
  • The child was familiar with the animal and had been around it numerous times in the past
  • The families are friends and have routinely shared many life events together

"This is an incredible tragedy in the truest sense of the word. We continue to pray for both families and will continue to do so in the days to come." said Sheriff Ron Puckett. "I am grateful for our deputies and the actions they took that night alongside our EMS, VFD and Dispatch partners. All that responded should be remembered and prayed for as they carry the weight of this tragedy." 

The Clark family issued a statement expressing gratitude for the overwhelming support received from the community. Below is the full statement:

"First off, God is good. God sustains. God provides. He strengthens, carries, and just holds on when there are zero words that can be said. He knows. Scripture tells us in Hebrews 4:15 that we do not have a high priest who cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities; He hurts when we hurt. He meets you where you are, and He sends people to do His work in the flesh to provide a glimpse of His love. We are overwhelmed with the support from our community and even complete strangers. We’ve just sat and cried as people have shown up to love us, and we feel so undeserving of this love. None of us deserve anything. I have always had a strong faith, but the last few days something has stuck out to me more than ever: God willingly gave His son. Jesus was brought into this world for the pure purpose to be sacrificed for me and everyone else who doesn’t deserve it, and it is more unfathomable than ever. I have no explanation, and I may never have one. And that’s ok. God is good, He is here, and He is going to take something that’s truly tragic and use it for His glory. I have no doubt in my heart of that.

We miss Beau. We miss his voice filling up our home. We miss his feet running across the house waking us up and him bursting through our bedroom door exclaiming, “It’s morning time!” We miss his cheeky grin and his contagious laugh. His hugs and love were like none I’ve ever known. He’d put those little hands on my face and say, “oh you’re just my cute little mama.” He thought he was as big as his brothers and could do anything that they could do. He was his daddy’s shadow and couldn’t wait to get on Flint Creek this spring in his daddy’s canoe and have his daddy as his baseball coach (beau wouldn’t call it t-ball… he said that was for “little boys”). What a treasure he has been to love and take care of the past four years and three months. He’s changed me. He’s changed us. He’s taught me patience. He’s taught me to let go of things that really just don’t matter. Who knew you could learn so much from such a small child?

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for the love you’ve shown our family. We are blown away. We covet your prayers today and in all of the days to come as we get ready to begin our new normal. We also want you to know our Jesus. He’s the only thing getting us through this, and I don’t know how people without faith can make it through such a tragedy and loss. If you don’t know Him, please, I’m begging you to reach out. I will sing of His goodness all of the days of my life."

Clark’s funeral will be held on Friday, March 1 at 11 a.m.

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