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Straight to Ale Brewing hosts back to school event for adults

Free2Teach was a partner of the event and they collected donations.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — With Huntsville City Schools returning to class this week, adults are feeling the pressure. Straight to Ale Brewery hosted a back to school party for adults. 

The event was hosted in the venues speakeasy. Around the venue, tons of back to school decorations, school-themed movies playing on a projector, photo ops, coloring and more. This party wasn't just for adults to get a break, but it's also a party for adults to get a little taste of their childhood. 

Brewery Concierge Cory Berry said, "Not only kids get to go through this whole drama at the beginning of the fall year, but adults have to go through it also, so we're celebrating for the adults. They can have their adult beverages, hang out and do some coloring. We've got some school themed shows that are going to be on the TV and we're just doing the best we can to sort of embrace what is happening in all of our lives right now with kids going back to school." 

For this event, Straight to Ale partnered with Free2Teach. They help supply school teachers with supplies they need for the entire year. At the event, they had a school supply drive box. 

"If people want to bring in school supplies and whatever to give to free2teach, they certainly can," said Berry, "Straight to Ale wants to help out Free2Teach as much as possible. The teachers in Huntsville do such a fantastic job. There's so much stress on them, so much that they have to do and anything that we can do to help them out through Straight to Ale wants to do that." 

Free2Teach is celebrating their 10 year anniversary. They've donated over $12 million of resources to just under four thousand teachers. 


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