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Local support group helps folks dealing with pet loss

A Pet Loss Support Group is helping people who have lost pets connect with others going through the same thing and helping them find healing

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Many of us see our pets as family members or children and dealing with the loss one is not easy. There's a group in Huntsville helping folks who have just lost a pet find support and healing, and they're welcoming pet owners going through it to join them.

Deanna Bayless started a Pet Loss Support group a year ago at Animal Emergency and Critical Care in Huntsville. Deanna works there as a licensed veterinary technician and the facility's hospital manager. They meet monthly at Animal Emergency and Critical Care. 

"Our support group is just a place where people can come and talk through the issues with people who are going through similar things," said Deanna.

The class starts with mourning work.

"It helps them walk through the stages of grief," she explained. "There are five different stages. Then we have a discussion group where anyone who has gone through a loss can come and talk with others who have been through the same situation."

"We know that one thing that helps people get through the loss of an animal is having other people who understand and who are willing to listen to them," said Margie Weisman, owner of Island Dog Training.

The class also works on individual projects together like scrapbooks, where pet owners can include photos and memories that celebrates the pet's life.

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"You can look back at the times they were if you had them as a puppy-- when they were happy and joyous-- and you can watch them through their life and how they changed your life because animals do many times change our lives," said Margie. "So keeping things around you that remind you of them is often important."

These ladies recommend pet owners deal with their loss sooner rather than later-- and also surround themselves with love and support. 

The Pet Loss Support Group is held one Thursday every month at Animal Emergency & Critical Care in Huntsville. The next one will be held on March 19th at 6:30PM. 

Folks with older or sick pets are welcome to the class as well.

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