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TVA shares tips on saving money on your utilities

With hot weather comes higher bills, but there are some ways to cut cost.

ALABAMA, USA — TVA is expecting the highest demand of their services Tuesday due to the intense heat coming to the Tennessee Valley. However, there are ways to beat the heat and lower costs on your utility bills.

Here are some tips from experts at TVA:

  • Close your curtains/blinds during the day: Although you may love the natural light, the heat seeping through your windows cause the HVAC unit to work harder.
  • Set your thermostat to 78 degrees: According to TVA officials, every degree can save your 3% on your energy bill
  • Replace your HVAC system air filter once a month: A dirty air filter can cause you HVAC system to work harder
  • Use your grill compared to a stove: Consider cooking outdoors to prevent your home from warming up with an oven or stove
  • Turn your ceiling fan on in the counterclockwise direction: Doing this can make the room feel cooler. When you leave the room be sure to turn off the fan, continuing to save energy!
  • Use your clothes dryer at night: Your HVAC unit will have an easier time cooling down your home while the sun is down

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