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Updated recommendations for Breast Cancer Screening: Women should get regular mammograms at age 40

New recommendations for breast cancer screening say women should start getting regular mammograms at age 40.

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama — The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force now recommends women start getting regular mammograms at age 40. This recommendation is in response to the increase in breast cancer diagnoses in younger women and high mortality rates in Black women. More than 20 million women in the U.S. are between the ages of 40 and 49 and are now covered under the recommendation.

Crestwood Medical Center Women's Imaging Manager Julie McCain said the news came out last week, and what's really interesting is that have been stating this for many, many years, even decades. "Recommendations have changed from time to time about whether to start at 40 or 50, whether to have a mammogram every 1 year, or every 2 years, or sometimes every 5 years. So the recommendations change from time to time from various agencies as breast imagers. We as a community have been saying every year at 40, and this is every woman for a very long time."

This recommendation is in response to breast cancer diagnoses in younger women and African American women with higher mortality rates. There has definitely been an increase in diagnoses in those two categories and McCain said two things they hang their hat on is early detection. "Looking for those subtle changes in the breast from year to year. so those are the things that we look at. and that is why we stress so much  that annual mammogram."

Furthermore, they do find  breast cancer in women even younger than 40, explained McCain. "So 40 has become that kind of baseline that that time to start. and again, for that average woman." There are special recommendations for women who are at higher risk. "Once those women are identified, then we have a special recommendation screening schedule based on risk factors."

McCain also added that there's no magical age where mammograms are no longer necessary. "The good news is that with Crestwood Women's Center, you can self schedule a mammogram. We just need a physician to be listed to receive that report so you can call and schedule. That scheduling number is 256-429-4888. So you don't have to have a written order for from a physician for a routine screening mammogram so patients can call and schedule that mammogram. And again, with any questions or concerns, call the Women's Center. We have staff on hand. I have not myself, all of my staff members can answer any questions and concerns and help a patient get scheduled."


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