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Alabama anti-squatting law in effect

The new law increases penalties for people who enter a residence that is not their own.

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Governor Kay Ivey has signed a new law to protect homeowners from squatters who unlawfully take over their properties.

The law, sponsored by Rep. Craig Lipscomb, aims to stop people from occupying homes that aren't theirs. “It has been said that a person’s home is their castle, yet after a national rise in illegal occupations of homeowner’s private property, it is apparent that more must be done to halt criminals from commandeering people’s homes," said Governor Ivey. 

Starting June 1, 2024, the law will punish anyone who lies about owning a property or tries to live in a house they don't own. Local police will quickly help remove unauthorized occupants.

“In Alabama, private property rights are paramount. This new law puts would-be squatters on notice that any attempt to hijack and take over someone’s home will be met with swift action by law enforcement. The best dwelling for an illegal squatter is a jail cell, and we in state government should never rest easy until all Alabama homeowners’ rights are fully protected,” said Governor Ivey. 

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