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'How the Grinch Got Busted!' at a Chilton County Christmas event

Subject reportedly showed remorse and 'felt all toasty inside' later on, according to reports.

MAPLESVILLE, Ala. — The county of Chilton breathes a sigh of relief, after a recent arrest - or so says the police chief.

Our story starts off a week or so ago, during the Maplesville Christmas party - the type we all know.

The children were prancing in a giant snow globe, when folks spied a strange creature, whose green nose did probe.

He pried and he peeped, he tiptoed behind Santa Claus...

But he didn't seem to have stolen anything, to give investigators probable cause.

It was later that night, at the Stanton Christmas Parade,

when the green fella showed up - he swung and he swayed.

Deputies arrived, and they tried to get him in cuffs,

but they say he resisted arrest and got in quite a big huff.

'Twas egg nog he drank, the sheriff said, and too much of it too - it was over .08 that he blew!

The green guy, now grumpy, bounced 'round in a cell...

while the judge decided a penalty that'd serve the Grinch well.

A bond was then set, in a manner best suited,

"Pay 500 candy canes and you could be uprooted."

A condition of release was that the Grinch must give back.

"Toil in Santa's workshop, and lay off the nog, Jack!"

At the end of this ordeal, while being released,

it's reported the Grinch's bad attitude had ceased.

He reportedly showed remorse, and, quote, "felt all toasty inside."

A lesson he learned, that could make you go all misty-eyed.

What was it, Seuss once said, in that storybook well read,

"What if Christmas doesn't come from a store...What if Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!" 

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