It’s that time of year again, when a lot of us make new years resolutions that don’t last very long. But there are ways to make them stick. Let’s connect the dots.
First up: Why your new years resolutions fail.
According to psychologists, the big problem is that we go too big, vowing to get fit, eat healthy, or lose 50 pounds. Once making those drastic changes gets too hard we tend to give up. Experts recommend setting smaller goals, like eating a couple healthier meals a week or losing five pounds. You are more likely to stick with it, and once you reach those goals, you can create new ones.
Next: How to make your resolutions stick.
Psychologists recommend tying your resolution to an existing habit. If you already exercise, add ten more minutes. If you make your lunch the night before, add a salad.
And: There’s nothing that says you have to make a New Year’s resolution.
If that date doesn’t resonate with you, pick another time that means more.
WATCH: 8% of people stick to New Year’s resolutions…what’s yours?
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