HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Today, March 14 (3-14) is Pi Day, a day to celebrate the mathematical constant pi (π), better known for its first three decimal places 3.14. Many people celebrate by eating a piece of pie but it also happens to be Women in STEM Day!
There have been many campaigns in recent years encouraging women to become a part of STEM programs and the workforces involving science, technology, engineering and math.
An employee at Raytheon Technologies says diversity in STEM jobs is so important.
"I bring a different viewpoint and you can tell it whenever I'm part of a group because I have different views and that diversity of thought is very important. It helps us think out of the box and come up with solutions we may not have thought about because of our different viewpoints. So, really, you become really valuable to the team by having those diverse viewpoints," said Lisa Bate, senior principal engineer at Raytheon Technologies.
Celebrating Women in STEM Day brings awareness to the lack of representation in the fields and it seems to be working. In 1970, only 8% of STEM jobs were held by women and in 2019, that jumped up to 27%, according to the United States Census Bureau.