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Discussing the importance of back to school vaccines

This Wellness Wednesday, we're touching on a sensitive topic for some parents. We're discussing the importance of vaccinating children before going back to school.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — This Wellness Wednesday, we're touching on a sensitive topic for some parents. That's vaccinations. According to the CDC it's very important for immunization programs, schools, and providers to make sure children are fully vaccinated before heading back to school. We break down the dangers of taking the risk when children aren't vaccinated.

ADPH Chief Medical Officer Dr. Karen Landers said it's much easier to prevent than it is to treat.  "You know, we have so many vaccinations now that are preventing disease in children, teenagers and adults. Some of these diseases can be quite severe and even deadly. So we've been fortunate in the united states to have a high level of vaccination, which has reduced against severe illness and death."

As a pediatrician, Dr. Landers has seen her fair share of some diseases in her time of practice. "Specifically measles, probably one of the few physicians still practicing that has seen a case of measles. You know, measles can cause a severe pneumonia, actually, and then kids can actually get secondary bacterial infections as a result of measles."

Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical Director Dr. Ginnie Prater explained that measles is very contagious and probably the most highly contagious disease they vaccinate children against. "Children get spots, high fever. Sometimes the fever is high enough to cause brain swelling, and it can really cause a lot of damage." 

Yearly flu vaccines are also important, and dr. prater adds that just because you get flu vaccine doesn't mean you won't ever get the flu. "But it reduces the risk that you will get the flu by at least half. Not only that, but if you do get the flu, then you may have milder symptoms. You really want to watch out for fever and rash. Those are symptoms of multiple different illnesses that we vaccinate against. There are other illnesses we vaccinate against, like pneumonia and meningitis."

Another important note to keep in mind, "when children are not vaccinated and they're at higher risk for contracting illness, those are days that they will miss from school and days that you will miss from work."

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