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Career Academies of Decatur is giving students a head-start

Career Academies of Decatur is giving students a head-start--all while teaching life skills along the way.

DECATUR, Ala. — Career Academies of Decatur is making a great impact in the lives of many students, and some of those students are explaining - just how. Austin High School senior Conny Valdez is in the Machining Program at the Career Academy also referred to by the students as CAD.  "I feel as if the class itself  has taught me to be more patient for sure. It's definitely shown me that there's more than what meets the eye, I guess you can say.  And it's really nice knowing that if you know somebody, for example, Mr. Gatlin, he has a lot of connections and he's more than willing to, you know, help you and put your future  before his and, you know, make sure that you succeed in life," she said.

Local small business owners in the community also toured various CAD departments from Health Sciences to Sports Medicine to Welding and more to experience just what their possible future employees are learning. Aydan Valdez is a Junior in the Culinary Program at CAD. "My biggest inspiration was seeing my parents being able to cook and provide for us when we were younger.  So I think it's been like my  greatest inspiration to try it and like, I guess mimic that." Valdez also can't say enough about his mentors. "I really had good mentors like, Chef D, be able to teach us the foundational skills to be able to cook and, you know, learn how to use proper etiquette with knives and everything to be able to be safe."

The sister and brother duo are both grateful for CAD and say, "I really enjoy how, you know, we have Mr. Gatlin and he's really patient with us. I'm really thankful to have this program and thankful for all the educators."

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