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How to not overdo it this holiday season and still enjoy those tasty dishes

The National Library of Medicine says the average American gains five pounds or more over the holiday period between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day.

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama — Some individuals usually look forward to splurging on those favorite holiday dishes each year, and sometimes it can become very easy to overdue it. The National Library of Medicine said the “average American” gains five pounds or more over the holiday period between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. This Wellness Wednesday, we share tips pertaining how to not overdue it this holiday season and still enjoy those fun foods you love.

Oakwood University Dietetics and Nutrition Chair Dr. Sherine Brown-Fraser has five recommendations. "The holidays are a time for friends, family, enjoying some downtime."

Some are looking forward to the Turkey, Dressing, and other great holiday dishes. Oftentimes, the holidays are not necessarily a time of year some are sticking with a strict dietary regimen. So how can we not overdue it this holiday season and still have the fun foods we love? "The holidays is wonderful, and it's fun, but maybe you can say no to some of the events. if you have five or six or seven invitations." 

Tip number two, is called the 'power of the plate'. "You may want to consider  maybe even changing what you're eating during the holidays, but changing the size of the plate, eating on a smaller plate, putting what you like and enjoying the meal,  but eating from a smaller plate."

Recommendation number three is to consider eating a salad first. "Fiber is fully filling. and if you actually eat a salad first  and then eat the rest of your meal, whatever you enjoy eating, that will actually help you to possibly reduce your caloric intake. we're eating a little less, so."

Number four consider taking a stroll after your meal. "Taking a little walk will help to digest your food  and actually  help you to metabolize your nutrients a little better. Last, but not least, number five. "This may sound a little unorthodox,  but  no stress. No worries, enjoy your holiday meals."

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