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Road condition concerns in Limestone County

Some residents in Limestone County say potholes and road conditions in general have been a problem lately.

LIMESTONE COUNTY, Ala. — Potholes and road conditions have been a bit of concern in Limestone County lately. Some residents believe recent icy weather conditions haven't helped. 

Limestone County resident Charles Borcher believes for potholes in his neighborhood specifically, no one is working to solve the problem. "There are potholes. The road sinks, and creates a pothole and all they do is come in and fill it in with more asphalt. I live right outside one of these potholes. I have an RV, and I'm always wondering if I pull out next time if I'm going to fall all the way through it. We just don't get the support and the infrastructure. I see now they're proposing another big subdivision out here. I'm sorry, people. We need schools, we need roads, you can't just put in apartments filling them up."

Furthermore, as for driving on the roads during rush hour, Borcher believes he might have a solution. "They just need to make them wider and better. With all this traffic, you ought to come out here during rush hour and you can see it all the way backed up as far as you can see. I'm sorry, there's lots of room here to put wider streets if they would just commit to do it. And all I hear about is more apartments and not anything to do with the infrastructure out here."

FOX54 reached out to the Limestone County Commission for comment and is waiting to hear back. 

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