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Are you wearing the right sunscreen?

Local MD shares the do's and don't when it comes to skincare.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala — Sunscreen has more purpose than preventing someone from getting a sunburn.

Local Dermatologist Melinda Musick says sunscreen does more than one thing.

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"Sunscreen helps protect from sunburn development, skin cancer, and help prevent aging and changing the skin from ultraviolet damage."

Doctors are most concerned that people spending time outside are protecting their skin from skin cancer.

Applying any sunscreen doesn't mean you are applying the right amount for your skin.

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What is SPF?

SPF is short for Skin Protection Factor.

Musick says this is the multiplier it takes someone to burn without wearing sunscreen.

For example, SPF works by every 10 minutes. If you apply 40 SPF it takes you forty minutes more for someone to burn.

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Musick advises everyone to wear sunscreen every day even when not spending a lot of time outside. 

Those with fair skin are more likely to burn at a faster pace and are more prone to melanoma and skin discoloration.

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Musick says no sunscreen is no better than the other, but be sure to look for these two ingredients zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

For those who want a glow this summer, she advises those to look into spray tanning.

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